About Personal Injury Attorney Bryan P. Stubbs

My dad was a lawyer. I remember going into his office when I was just a boy and seeing all those law books lined up neatly on the shelves. I remember thinking two things: one, he must be very smart, and two, he must be very important to have so many books. Well, it turns out my dad was important, but not because of the books.
It wasn’t until I was older that I really understood the difference he made in people’s lives. How much he helped people who were in pain or in a tough spot financially. Suddenly, memories of strangers crossing the street to shake his hand and say thank you made sense.
So, for me, choosing to practice law—choosing to help people—was a pretty easy decision.
I’ve been an attorney for over 30 years now. Today, I’m in the same building where my father started his practice back in 1950. Some of his books still line the shelves. But if his spirit truly lives on, it’s in the way I think about my practice.
“Be on the side of the underdog. They need protection. And maybe just a little help twisting the tail of the big dog.”
That’s me. What about you? How can I help? Let’s talk.
Bryan P. Stubbs
- Washington State & American Bar Associations
- Washington State Trial Lawyers Association
- American Association for Justice